Many wishes on the 77th Independence Day.
77वें स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर अनेकानेक शुभकामनायें |
The Revolution of 1857 ignited a spark of freedom in the minds of Indians, leading to complete independence in 1947. However, conveying these revolutionary ideas to the people was not easy. The printing industry contributed significantly to this cause.
1857 की क्रांति, जिसने भारतीयों के मन में स्वतंत्रता की ऐसी चिंगारी भड़क आई। 1947 में हमने पूर्ण स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त कर ली। पर आसान नहीं था ये क्रांति अलख जगाने वाली बातें जन-जन तक पहुंचाना। इसमें बहुत बड़ा योगदान दिया मुद्रण उद्योग ने।
If conveying information about freedom movements, discussing revolutions, and sharing impassioned articles by freedom fighters through newspapers published in the press was easy, then it was accomplished primarily through printing technology. Whether distributing pamphlets among hundreds of people or covertly transmitting messages of revolution from house to house while evading the British government's watchful eyes.
प्रेस में छपे समाचार पत्रों के माध्यम से स्वतंत्रता के आन्दोलनों की सूचनाएं, क्रांति की बातें, स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के जोशीले लेख पहुंचाने का काम अगर आसान हुआ तो सिर्फ मुद्रण की तकनीक से हुआ। चाहे फिर सैकड़ों पंपलेट लोगों में बांटनां हो या चुपके से क्रांति के संदेश अंग्रेजी सरकार से छुपाकर घर-घर पहुंचाना हो।
Some bold revolutionaries recognized the power of print and began publishing their newspapers, ensuring that the flame of revolution continued to burn in society, inspiring every individual in the country.
कुछ साहसी क्रांतिकारियों ने प्रिंट की ताकत को पहचान लिया था और उन्होंने अपने समाचार पत्र प्रकाशित करना शुरू किए ताकि समाज और देश के प्रत्येक व्यक्ति में क्रांति की मशाल धधकती रहे।
On this Independence Day, we salute the contribution of our printing industry today and pay our respects to the many revolutionaries.
इस स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर हम आज अपने मुद्रण उद्योग के योगदान को नमन करते है | और अनेकानेक क्रांतिकारियों को अपनी आदरांजली अर्पित करतें है |
We have attempted to list several such newspapers and presses. If we have omitted or overlooked any newspapers in this list, please suggest them in the comments so that we may include them as well.
हमने ऐसे बहुत से समाचार पत्रों और प्रेसों को सूचीबद्ध करने की कोशिश की है, अगर इसमें हम कुछ समाचार पत्रों को भूल गए हो या छूट गए हो, तो आप कमेंट में यह सुझाव देकर बताने की कृपा करें ताकि हम उनको भी जोड़ पाएं |
Once again, many happy returns of the day.
पुनः स्वतंत्रता दिवस की बहुत बहुत शुभकामनायें |
Here is Important newspaper and journals during the indian freedom struggle, which are as follows:
Newspaper | Editor | Language | Place |
Bengal Gazette | James Augustus Hicky | English | Calcutta |
Samachar Darpan | Marshman | Bengali | Calcutta |
Digdarshan | Marshman | Bengali | Calcutta |
Sambad Kaumudi | Raja Ram Mohan Roy | Bengali | Calcutta |
Mirat-ul-Akhbar | Raja Ram Mohan Roy | Persian | Calcutta |
Bombay Samachar | Fardunjee | Gujarati | Mumbai |
Hindustan Times | K M Panikkar | English | Mumbai |
Satyaprakash | Karsandas Mulji | Gujarati | Ahmedabad |
Bangdutt | Dwarkanath Tagore | Bengali | Calcutta |
Jaame Jamshed | P M Motibala | Persian | Mumbai |
Rast Goftar | Dada Bhai Naoroji | Gujarati | Mumbai |
Hindu Patriot | Girish Chandra Ghosh | English | Calcutta |
Som Prakash | Iswarchandra Vidyasagar | Bengali | Calcutta |
Indian Mirror | Devendra Nath Tagore | English | Calcutta |
Indu Prakash | M G Ranade | Marathi | Mumbai |
Native Opinion | V N Mandlik | English | Mumbai |
Kavi Vachan Sudha | Bhartendu Harishchandra | Hindi | Calcutta |
Amrit Bazar Patrika | Motilal Ghosh | Bengali | Calcutta |
Amrit Bazar Patrika | Shishir Ghosh | Bengali | Calcutta |
Hindi Pradeep | Balkrishan Bhatt | Hindi | Varanasi |
Tribune | Dayal Singh Majithiya | English | Lahore |
Statesman | Robert Night | English | Calcutta |
Hindu | V Raghavachari | English | Chennai |
Bengali | S N Banerji | English | Calcutta |
Maratha | Agarkar | English | Mumbai |
Kesari | Kelkar | Marathi | Mumbai |
India | Dada Bhai Naoroji | English | Mumbai |
Hindustan Standard | Sachidananda Sinha | English | Mumbai |
Bharat Mitra | Balmukund Gupt | Hindi | Calcutta |
Udant Martand | Jugal Kishore Shukla | Hindi | Kanpur |
Malwa Akhbar | Raja Ram Mohan Roy | Hindi | Indore |
Hindostan | Madan Mohan Malviya | HIndi | Indore |
Mumbai Darpan | Baal Shastri | Marathi | Mumbai |
Abhay | Madan Mohan Malviya | Hindi | Allahabad |
Pratap | Ganesh Shankar | Hindi | Kanpur |
Hindi Kesari | Ganga Prasad Gupt | Hindi | Kashi |
Aaj | Shiv Prasad Gupta | Hindi | Varanasi |
Indian Review | G A Natesan | Hindi | Jawalapur |
Indian Opinion | Mahatma Gandhi | English | South Africa |
Indian Sociologist | Shyamji Krishna Verma | English | London |
Hindostan | Pratapnarayan Mishra | Hindi | Indore |
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